York Museums York England Museums UKWelcome to some details about the museums that are open to the public in York. This page gives a basic outline of what York museums have to offer. Where they are and what there is to see in them for the general public. This sight is in no way associated with any museums York and has no control over the contents of any of the outside links to museums York England. Sit back have a look and when you have decided ... we will be happy to see you in any of the museums in York UK. |
Castle Museum
The York Castle Museum is one of the treasures of York museums. Holding items from suits of armour and weopons to dolls and a recreation of a Victorian city cobbled street with high street shops of the time. National Railway Museum A railway enthusiasts dream. Train from steam to modern adorn this expanding site. York City Art Gallery Victim to an armed robbery of its treasure a few years ago now .. all back on show with exhibitions and displays all year round. Yorkshire Museum Natural history of Yorkshire, Yorks Roman History and a little bit of medieval history awaits in a beautiful botanic garden. This museum was ransacked of its true treasures when York became a unitary authority. North Yorkshire county council sold off everything they could before handing over what is left to York. Still well worth a visit though. ![]() Micklegate museum York and Richard the Third museum. These two museums are situated within the bars, Richard the Third is inside Monkgate, so you come across them if you walk around the walls. Alternatively, you can access them from the street. Micklegate museum has two floors to go up, the first shows (among other things) a tiny cell in the corner. The second floor houses the heads of traitors! Micklegate is the main gateway to York, and the heads of traitors were for centuries spiked on poles and displayed above the city as a lesson to us all. The Richard the Third museum is well worth a visit if only to see the original portcullis and its windlass with the iron ratchet and paul on the second floor. As it's name suggests, it has a display dedicated to Richard the Third, who has many connections with York. Because of the situation of these museums, there is no disabled access. Both charge an entrance fee, but have a 'Buy 1 ticket, get one half price' arrangement with each other, the Roman Bath and Barley Hall. They are open all week from 9.00am to 4.00pm. Times may vary, and in winter months it is weekend opening only. |