Shops Sunday Opening Hours in York City Centre

Please note that Sunday opening times vary from shop to shop. It is best to contact the individual store you wish to visit directly for the correct opening times they have decided on. Happy shopping now!

Many people enjoy having a lazy sunday window shopping in York. On a warm summers day it is a treat. However you may also want to spend some time before you go home actually doing some shopping in the stores in York as well. This begs the question, what major reatailers are open in York city centre on a sunday?

So to answer this I (Kevin Ireson) have done a bit of research. Here are a few details about the larger retailers in York.

York Shops Sunday Opening Hours

  • However individual retailer opening times in the centre may vary from that. For instance:
  • Apart from Coppergate Centre 1 other large retailer in York city centre is:
    • Marks and Spencer
    • Sunday opening: 11 am to 5 pm
    • Address: 9 The Pavement, York city centre

Contact Us About Sunday Opening Times
